Sapporo from the top of Mount Moiwa

 MG 8266

A ropeway then a furnicular railway takes you to the top of Mount Moiwa and a great view over Sapporo. We came here in early evening so we could watch the sun set and then see the sparkling lights of the city. Well the clouds put a stop to some of that but it was still a good experience.

 MG 8269

 MG 8277

 MG 8339-HDR

 MG 8387-HDR

 MG 8459

 MG 8474

Here you can see where the funicular railway emerges….

 MG 8337

And here is the ‘backside’ view….. I spent quite some time watching the clouds washing of the mountains in the far distance.

 MG 8309-HDR

And then I watched as the sunset and the crescent moon and Venus appeared in the night sky.

 MG 8401-HDR

 MG 8425

 MG 8402-HDR

 MG 8455

 MG 8396-HDR MG 8390-HDR

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© Helen Gray 2021