Penang has some stunning architecture, and this City Hall built in 1903 takes some beating. Its best side faces the padang but its side view (photo left below) is more commonly seen because it faces the sea along the waterfront. There is little shade to hide under here so the cold drinks vendor was much appreciated.

Further along the waterfront is Fort Cornwallis, built in 1786. The moat was most likely the cause of pestilence in the past, yet was not filled in until 1922. There is not much to see here, so you have to use your imagination to get a sense of what it was like here in the early days of the colony.

Here is Lawrence in the gunpowder store and last seen defending the fort…..

Here we have the Church of the Assumption, dating from 1786 and currently undergoing renovation.

And here is the side view of the Penang State Museum, currently closed for renovation. The notice says it will open in 2018, but I think that is on a Malaysian timescale as we did not see any sign of activity there.

The oldest Anglican church in Southeast Asia is St. George’s Church, built in 1818.

And opposite to St. George’s Church is the Supreme Court Building, built in 1903, to replace the original Court Building of 1809.

Opposite the Protestant Cemetery is the Leong Yin Kan Mansion, which seems to be a mixture of colonial and Chinese styles. The mansion was built in 1926 and is now a restaurant.

I am used to seeing small Chinese altars by the side of buildings, but this is the first time I have seen a small altar with Indian heritage. And this Indian altar was in the parking lot of the Leong Yin Kan Mansion.

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