The hills and dales, and Kendal itself!

 MG 5256-HDR

My cousin Andrew is a keen hill walker, so on the second day he took us to a less touristy part of the Lake District where it looked like we would have the valley to ourselves. But no! The small car parking area was already full by the time we arrived in Kentmore. We stoped briefly to look at the church and the views, then luckily someone returned to their car and we grabbed a parking space. We walked in the valley towards Harter Fell, along ice-encrusted roads and across a crunchy boggy field. But all the while, the sun shone and we were seeing the English countryside at its best. Living here must be tough though as the prettiest places are quite isolated, and even in the middle of winter, car parks at ‘tourist attractions’ were full.

 MG 5281

 MG 5299

 MG 5308-HDR MG 5302-HDR

 MG 5324-HDR

 MG 5357-HDR

We are looking forward to a pub lunch, but found the place of choice was closed for renovations. There were workman lying a slate-floor; seems this is very popular nowadays, despite its expense.

 MG 5392

So, we drove into Kendal itself for lunch and Andrew gave us a guided tour of the town. When we had driven into Kendal on the first night, it was noticeable that many people wore woolly hats, and we certainy needed ours. Kendal’s main streets are crisscrossed with lots of small lanes where you can get a feel of the ‘old’ town.

 MG 5397-HDR

 MG 5419 MG 5412-HDR

 MG 5411-HDR

 MG 5430-HDR

 MG 5424-HDR

 MG 5436-HDR

Finally, I learnt that Kendall was the home of Postman Pat!

 MG 5442

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