The Hong Kong Maritime Museum

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With an afternoon to spare, we took the Star Ferry to Hong Kong island to see an exhibition on ‘Maritime Silk Routes in 15th and 16th Century’. 

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The most interesting feature of this exhibition were the treasures discovered from ship wrecks off the coast of China. I rather liked the Ming dynasty wooden dragon-boat figurehead…

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Here’s another dragon-boat figure head from a more modern boat in Apli Chau waterfront, for comparison. Apparently, the Chinese dragon is made up of many different types of animals on Earth. The dragon is said to have the head of a camel, 177 fish scales of the carp, deer horns, rabbit eyes, ears of a bull, the neck of a snake, stomach of a clam, paws of a tiger, and claws like an eagle.

With a lot of time to spare, we went to cafe at the top of the museum and got a glorious view of Hong Kong in the afternoon sunshine. It had stopped raining at long last and Hong Kong was lit up the natural way.

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This is the view from the Maritime Museum looking eastwards along Hong Kong island.

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Here is the view from the Central piers looking back towards Kowloon and the cruise ship in Ocean Terminal.

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© Helen Gray 2021